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Choose Cabo Verde ” – KONFERENCE

Cape Verde is an attractive investment destination for several reasons:

  1. Political, economic, and social stability: Cape Verde is one of the most stable countries in Africa, which is highly appealing to investors. This stability can reduce investment risks.
  2. Investor-friendly government and welcoming population: Cape Verde is known for its hospitality and openness towards foreigners, making it easier to do business and foster strong commercial relationships.
  3. Diverse, attractive, and vibrant landscape: This can be particularly appealing for investments in tourism and real estate.
  4. Attractive and favorable incentives: The Cape Verdean government may offer various incentives for foreign investors, such as tax breaks or subsidies.
  5. Investment protection and investor security: The country has established legal and regulatory frameworks to protect investors and their investments.
  6. Optimal geographical location: Cape Verde is situated at the crossroads of Europe, Africa, and America, providing a strategic position for trade and transportation.
  7. Access to AGOA, ECOWAS, CPLP & EU communities: This facilitates trade and expansion into these markets.
  8. Climate: Cape Verde enjoys pleasant weather year-round, which can be attractive for certain types of investments.
  9. Workforce: Cape Verde has a young and educated workforce.
  10. Legislative support and “One-Stop Shop”: The Cape Verdean government is dedicated to streamlining business processes and may offer “one-stop shop” services for investors to handle all necessary formalities in one place.